Healing Sound & Music Articles

How Sound Affects You: Musicians as Healers conscious music production how sound affects us how sound affects you music music healing music therapy musicians are healers Jun 13, 2023

As musicians and composers, I think we eventually arrive at a crossroads in our journey where we realize that our music making goes way beyond ourselves. As we aspire for success in the music business, it is often challenging to stay connected to the creative source while we manage the business...

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How Sound Affects You ask.audio conscious music production consciousness cymatics dr hans jenny dr. tomatis frequency frequency sweep hertz how sound affects us meditation mindbody awareness music therapy resonant frequencies sound healing sound therapy vibration Apr 22, 2023

Vibration and Frequency 

Everything around us is vibrating. It's easy to forget that any objects we perceive as solid or not 'alive' are actually vibrating. It may be at a very slow pace, beyond our sense of movement but the atoms and molecules that make up rocks, trees and man-made goods...

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