Healing Sound & Music Articles
When I work with students on composition, especially in the area of harmonic development, they can wrap their heads around the triad, build triads from a major scale and even try basic chord progressions. But, when the concept of suspended chords, 7ths, 9ths, 11ths and 13ths come into the...
Drones are essentially sustained or continuous tones that establish a tonal center to accompany melodic instruments or voices. A drone can simply be the root note of a particular key, or a root and it’s octave. The fifth or fourth is often added to establish more harmonic...
Making Binaural Beats in ProTools
There are many frequencies that are important to Sound Healers and Neurological Researchers. Some are found in nature like the ‘Schumann Resonance’ which is the vibrating frequency of our Earth or specific frequencies that have been found to...
Gongs in Sound Therapy
When most people think about Gongs, The Gong Show from the 1980s comes to mind. We also see them as part of a symphonic percussionist’s arsenal or with the occasional rock kit. Gongs are also used in meditation and sound therapy centers around the world,...
Vibration and Frequency
Everything around us is vibrating. It's easy to forget that any objects we perceive as solid or not 'alive' are actually vibrating. It may be at a very slow pace, beyond our sense of movement but the atoms and molecules that make up rocks, trees and man-made goods...