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5 Mindful Practices to Get Back into the Creative Flow

divasonic meditation mindfulness mindfulness practices music nature walk sound healing sound therapy turn off phone Jun 20, 2023

You may find yourself in a bit of a creative block sometimes. It happens to everyone time and again. The scenario could be you have set aside precious time in your day to write but the ideas just aren’t flowing. Here you are with your thousands of dollars worth of gear, all dressed up and going nowhere! In all seriousness, there are some quick ways to jumpstart your creativity, especially away from the distraction of computer screens and social media.

Below are some mindfulness practices to get you out of your head and into the creative flow.

Take a walk

Being out in nature will do wanders for your mind, body and spirit. Nature walks in particular are great for tuning into the sounds in your environment. Get your body moving and blood flowing so you feel fresher entering the studio.


Listen to Inspirational Tracks

Keep a revolving playlist of a dozen or so tracks that are really inspiring you at the moment. Put the playlist on your phone or on a CD where you can sit comfortably and listen deeply. A sound, melody or overall vibe will jumpstart your creative session.


Do a 15-minute Meditation

A quick 15-minute Meditation will center and calm you, guaranteed! You can choose to meditate with music or without. It is most important to close your eyes and focus on your breath. Gently weed out any negative thoughts or insecurities and focus on what you want to accomplish. It may be challenging at first, but it gets easier and has so many health benefits.


Pick up an Instrument and Jam

If you are mainly a computer music producer, it’s easy to get lost in the possibilities of sounds and loose direction. Try jamming on any acoustic instrument in your studio to get the juices flowing. Maybe one day it’s a drum or a guitar or a piano. Approach your instrument with a calm and open heart. 


Put Your Phone in Airplane Mode

When the spark of inspiration strikes it’s time to work work work!  Put your phone in airplane mode or out of sight to make sure you complete all your ideas without interruption. Nothing kills the creative flow like a text message or phone call that needs an immediate answer. It’s most likely that whatever it is can wait a bit until your finished. 


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